viso ai deep learning yolov4 YOLOv4 A Fast and Efficient Object Detection Model viso ai Nov 5 2024 YOLOv4 uses a modified version of the original Darknet 53 called CSPNetDarkNet53 and is an important component of YOLOv4 It builds upon the Darknet 53 architecture and
Towards AI breaking down yolos version 4 state of Breaking Down YOLO s version 4 State Of The Art Performance Apr 6 2023 YOLOv4 represents the state of the art SOTA in object detection algorithms It has been benchmarked on large image datasets COCO and KITTI while simultaneously People also search for
viso ai computer vision yolo explained YOLO Explained From v1 to v11 viso ai 3 days ago YOLOv1 divides the input image into a grid SxS and each grid cell is responsible for predicting bounding boxes and class probabilities for objects inside it Each
pylessons com YOLOv4 TF2 introduction Introduction to YOLOv4 object detection PyLessons Aug 5 2020 In this article I will discuss how the feature extractor and the neck are designed Then I 39 ll give you the code of YOLOv4 implementation to run the pre trained model
Ultralytics YOLOv8 Docs models yolov4 YOLOv4 Ultralytics YOLO Docs Sep 23 2024 YOLOv4 is designed for optimal speed and accuracy in object detection The architecture of YOLOv4 includes CSPDarknet53 as the backbone PANet as the neck and YOLOv3 as
Yolov4 Architecture Explained
arXiv org html 2304 A Comprehensive Review of YOLO Architectures in Computer The scaled down architecture was called YOLOv4 tiny it was designed for low end GPUs and can run at 46 FPS on a Jetson TX2 or 440 FPS on RTX2080Ti achieving 22 AP on
OpenGenus IQ yolov4 model architecture YOLOv4 model architecture OpenGenus IQ Brief Introduction to Object Detection What Is Yolov4 Algorithm Overview Backbone Network Neck Head Yolov4 Additions Results Before we proceed further we 39 ll understand the task of object detection The standard definition from Wikipedia goes like The task of object detection consists of two things the first being Object Localization which is then followed by Object Classification This is accomplished by predicting the co ordinates of the bounding box along with the Class probabilities See full list on iq opengenus org YOLOv4 is a SOTA state of the art real time Object Detection model It was published in April 2020 by Alexey Bochkovsky it is the 4th installment to YOLO It achieved SOTA performance on the COCO datasetwhich consists of 80 different object classes YOLO is a one stage detector The One stage method is one of the two main state of the art methods used for the task of Object Detection which prioritizes on the inference speeds In one stage detector models ROI Region of Interest is not selected the classes and the bounding boxes for the complete image is predicted Thus this makes them faster than two stage detectors Other examples are FCOS RetinaNet SSD The first version of YOLO was written in the Darknet Framework which is a high performance open source framework for implementing neural networks written in C and CUDA DarkNet is typically a backbone network It divides the object detection task into regression task followed by a classification task Regression predicts See full list on iq opengenus org The architecture consists of various parts broadly they are The input which comes first and it is basically what we 39 ve as our set of training images which will be fed to the network they are processed in batches in parallel by the GPU Next are the Backbone and the Neck which do the feature extraction and aggregation The Detection Neck and Detection Head together can be called as the Object Detector And finally the head does the detection prediction Mainly the Head is responsible for the detection both localization and classification Source Because YOLO is a one stage detector it does both of them simultaneously also known as Dense Detection Whereas a two stage detector does them separately and aggregates the results Sparse Detection The sequence is as follows YOLOv4 explores different backbone networks and data augmentation methods See full list on iq opengenus org The authors initially considered CSPResNext50 CSPDarknet53 and EfficientNet B3 as the backbone networks Finally after a lot of testing and experimental results they chose CSPDarknet53 CNN Page 7 of the paper titled YOLOv4 Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection CSPDarkNet53 is based on the DenseNet design It concatenates the previous inputs with the current input before proceeding into the dense layers this is referred to as the Dense connectivity pattern CSPDarkNet53 consists of two blocks 1 Convolutional Base Layer 2 Cross Stage Partial CSP Block Cross Stage Partial strategy splits the feature map in the base layer into two parts and merges them with the help of Cross stage hierarchy this allows for more gradient to flow through the layers and thus alleviates the infamous problem of Vanishing Gradient The Convolutional Base Layer consists of the full sized input feature map The CSP block which is stacked next to the Convolutional Base layer divides See full list on iq opengenus org The neck is the part where feature aggregation takes place It collects feature maps from the different stages of the backbone then mixes and combines them to prepare them for the next step Usually a neck consists of several bottom up paths and several top down paths See full list on iq opengenus org The main function here is locating bounding boxes and performing classification The bounding box co ordinates x y height and width as well as scores are detected Here the x y co ordinates are the center of the b box expressed relative to the boundary of the grid cell Width Height are predicted relative to the whole image How the YOLO algorithm works has been discussed in the previous section See full list on iq opengenus org Two new terms were introduced by the authors called Bag of Freebies BoF Bag of Specials BoS Bag of Freebies BoF They improve performance of the network without adding to the inference time most of which are data augmentation techniques Data augmentation helps create different variants of a single image this makes the network more robust for prediction Mosaic Data Augmentation and Self Adversarial Training SAT are the two main techniques introduced with this architecture 1 BoF for backbone CutMix and Mosaic data augmentation DropBlock regularization Class label smoothing 2 BoF for detector CIoU loss CmBN DropBlock regularization Mosaic data augmentation Self Adversarial Training Eliminate grid sensitivity Using multiple anchors for a single ground truth Cosine annealing scheduler Optimal hyperparameters Random training shapes Some of the important and significant features of BoF are explained below Mosaic Data Augmentation tiles four training images See full list on iq opengenus org When compared to v3 YOLOv4 has an improvement in the mAP Mean Average Precision by 10 and in the FPS by 12 It has a speed of 62 FPS with an mAP of 43 5 percent on the MS COCO dataset The y axis denotes the absolute precision and the x axis denotes the frame per second FPS The blue shaded part of the graph is for real time detection webcam street cameras etc and the white is for still detection pictures It can be seen that the YOLOv4 does very well in real time detection achieving an average precision between 38 and 44 and frames per second between 60 and 120 The YOLOv3 achieves an average precision between 31 and 33 and frames per second between 71 and 120 This improvement is brought by the inclusion of Bag of Freebies and Bag of Specials With this article at OpenGenus you must have the complete idea of YOLOv4 model architecture See full list on iq opengenus org
Becoming Human Artificial Intelligence Magazine explaining yolov4 a one stage detector Explanation of YOLO V4 a one stage detector by Pierrick Sep 7 2020 YoloV4 is an important improvement of YoloV3 the implementation of a new architecture in the Backbone and the modifications in the Neck have improved the mAP mean
Yolov4 Architecture Explained
Roboflow Blog a thorough breakdown of yolov4 What is YOLOv4 A Detailed Breakdown Roboflow Blog Jan 4 2024 In this guide we discuss what YOLOv4 is the architecture of YOLOv4 and how the model performs compCardList image img display none compCardList image noscript img display block compCardList extra visibility hidden
Medium aiguys yolo v4 explained in full detail 5200b77 YOLO v4 explained in full detail AIGuys Medium Dec 23 2021 Here are the different building blocks of YOLOv4 Backbone VGG16 ResNet 50 SpineNet EfficientNet B0 B7 CSPResNext50 CSPDarknet53 You can see that YOLOv4 can be
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